
Designed to foster communication between the individuals and business owners with whom we work, FMLY Capital is a platform for information and education in the areas of financial planning and investment management. Working side-by-side to develop your unique and very personal financial plan we seek to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to work toward your goals and pursue a better investment experience.

Investment-related services are provided by Signature Resources Capital Management, LLC

“It’s more than wealth, it’s financial wellness.”

Meet your Advisor

Kevin Messenger

I find individuals and business owners work with me for a range of reasons, with each seeking advice tailored to the values, needs, goals, and problems they’d like to address. I find the results tend to create a more organized and secure financial foundation through what we intend to be a thoughtfully designed and judiciously implemented financial plan that seeks to secure financial wellness and build generational wealth.

As technology continues to be increasingly prevalent and progressive in our everyday lives, I hope to strike a balance between how you consume financial information and the personal steps you take to create financial security. In turn, I work to fortify that foundation with a very personal and unique professional advisory relationship.

There comes a time when we all begin to think more about the future we would like to live out and the plans we have for the next chapter in our own book. When you begin to feel that you should be spending more of your time with the people you love and the activities that make you successful, let’s begin a conversation about you and your family achieving their full potential, planning for the next generation, and laying the foundation from which you can seek to make the impact on the things you care for the most.

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