Reshaping the Client Expereince

We begin every relationship with a focus on communication. Not with product, performance or portfolio allocations. We find that providing you with a space to comfortably and candidly discuss your previous experiences, current situation, concerns, and plans for the future is essential to building trust.

Equally important, we think, is providing a space to ask questions. “Am I on track to achieve my goals?” or “How will this affect my progress?” We expect to revisit questions like these to keep up with your ever-evolving life and goals.

Portfolio design should be tailored to you and free of emotions. Investing, however, is not without emotions. As markets rise and fall, an investors discipline can be challenged. During those times when the market is down, we believe it is our role to provide confidence in the path you have chosen and perspective against making poor short-term decisions.

We believe a thoroughly organized situation can be a guide to planning for the future and a resource during an emergency. Aligning your goals with your accumulation strategies helps us identify opportunities and ensure we have not overlooked key points to creating financial wellness.

Planning for the future while still enjoying the fruits of your labor takes patience and discipline when seeking balance between today and tomorrow. Working side-by-side we hope to find the balance that allows you to delegate certain tasks, enjoy the day-to-day and still work toward your goals.

We think just as important as achieving your goals is how you begin to communicate your values to the next generation. An important step that takes time as you begin to transfer your wealth. When appropriate, we will begin to educate the next generation so that all members can remain on the same page through clear and constant communication giving them more space to grow into their future. We find that our detailed understanding of the family’s values and objectives, along with our expertise is what allows us to deliver custom solutions for this generation and the next.

Our private-client experience seeks to provide:


Delegating certain tasks and decision making to a professional team is often the first step toward realizing the benefits of a private-client relationship, giving you more time to focus on family, friends and things you enjoy the most.


We believe knowing your objectives and how you are going to achieve those objectives instills confidence in every decision you make.


We help you focus on what you can control and work to instill calm when things don’t go according to plan.


Media noise can be a distraction. A financial plan can help you filter the headlines that may stir daily stress and anxiety. We provide independent, objective guidance specifically tailored to your needs to help you remain focused on your long-term goals.


Assemble a team that is focused on you and see how you might save more, feel better, improve relationships, make informed decisions, increase productivity and work toward your goals.

Peace of Mind

We seek to earn your trust every day. To provide you with peace of mind, we look to engage in regular reviews, looking to keep you informed about the issues that may affect you and your progress toward your goals.  

Our values guide our relationships.

  • Communication

    We believe good communication is essential to building trust between you and your advisor. It is the foundation of our relationships.

  • Coordination

    Together with your other trusted advisor’s, we are here to help coordinate all aspects of your financial life so you can focus on what’s most important to you.

  • Service

    Deep, personal relationships are forged with family members over the years as we continue to assist with your family’s wealth creation.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you feel like you should be spending more time with the people you enjoy and the activities that make you successful? If the answer is yes, then work your way through this website and choose the starting point that is most comfortable for you.

    There are several ways you can begin your financial wellness journey:

    o Complete the FMLY Wellness exercise on the home page.

    o Register to attend one of our FMLY Meetings

    o Register to attend one of our FMLY Dinners

    o Schedule a meeting with the advisor to discuss your financial planning goals.

    o If you are still not sure where to begin, you can reach out and the advisor will follow up with you shortly.

  • We begin every relationship with a conversation about the plans you have for the future, priorities that require your attention, activities that will contribute to your success, past experiences, and problems you would like to address. From here we can provide each client with an experience to uncover the personal values that will contribute to their unique financial plan. Followed by a process to:

    - Discover – Here we discuss you current situation, priorities, goals and concerns you would like to address.

    - Organize –We believe being thoroughly organized can be a guide to planning for the future and a resource during an emergency.

    - Engage – After developing an understanding of your current situation, goals, and objectives we will mutually agree on how our team and services can best align with what you are trying to accomplish. Here we begin to develop recommendations that we feel will help you meet your goals. After we have developed our recommendations, we will discuss them in detail, make necessary changes, and discuss the timeline for implementation.

    - Implement – The next step is to put into action the various strategies and solutions what we’ve determined to be appropriate. With an emphasis on communication, we will seek to do so in a timely and efficient manner, one that fits your capacity and time horizon.

    - Monitor – Once we have implemented your unique plan, we will seek to meet on a regular basis to ensure we are staying on top of any changes that may occur and that our recommendations remain relevant. The frequency of these reviews will be no less than annually and usually held on a quarterly or semiannual basis. We otherwise are regularly monitoring your financial plan to account for any significant change. Clients are encouraged to reach out as needed.

  • We always start with the determination of your priorities and goals, followed by an organizational process to create a strong foundation for your future plan. Your financial plan will also include the following components:

    o Goals

    o Cash Flow

    o Balance Sheet

    o Investment Accounts: Summary, Growth Projections and Assumptions

    o Retirement Analysis

    o Portfolio Analysis

    o Risk Tolerance Assessment

    o Income Continuity Analysis: Life, Disability, and Long-Term Care Insurance

    o Estate Planning Considerations & Beneficiary Designation Review

    o Summary

    o Recommendations

    o Action Steps

  • What would be your process for determining what will go into the portfolio and why? We think advisor-driven investment solutions can serve as more efficient alternatives to self-directed portfolios that, if statistics regarding the success of individual investors is any guide, may offer incremental benefit with regard to your meeting your long-term financial goals.

    The investment industry has evolved to provide an immense range of tools for most any investor to fill portfolios with exciting investment products. But, the process of determining what belongs in a portfolio retains a complexity that may not be readily apparent to most, not solely due to the breadth of investment options now available. Ever present remains the pressure to “succeed,” but success is measured by the individual and building the path to success can be more critical to that success that simply identifying a desired end result